- 超过300个类别的超过300个圣经问题
- 一些类别是:基督教道德和行为,启示,结束预言,撒旦,地狱/坟墓,婚姻...
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Here is a list of all categories that the app includes: Parables,Past and Present Prophesies,Future Prophecies,Prayer,Occult, Magic, Spiritism,Miscellaneous Bible Questions,Mosaic Law, Tabernacle, Tithes,Marriage,Miracles,Life Decisions and Doing the will of God,Kingdom and the Millennium,Judgment,Jesus' Life, Teachings, and Death,Israel, Middle East,The Holy Spirit,God, Faith,Heaven and Earth,Hell, Death/Grave,Creation, Evolution,Chronology,Church history, False church,Church and The Bride of Christ,Christian Character and Conduct,Baptism,Bible and Bible Characters,Antichrist,Angels, Spirit Beings,Trinity,Resurrection, Eternal life, Immortality,Revelation,Sabbath,Religions,Salvation, Ransom and Restitution,Satan,Jesus' Second Advent, Rapture,Soul